
the http_access directive in Squid's configuration file (squid.conf). This directive is crucial for controlling and managing access to HTTP services through the Squid proxy server. Here’s a detailed explanation:

http_access Directive

In Squid proxy server's configuration, the http_access directive is used to specify access control rules for HTTP traffic passing through the proxy. It determines whether Squid will allow or deny HTTP requests based on defined ACLs (Access Control Lists).


The syntax for http_access in Squid's squid.conf file is:

http_access allow|deny [!]aclname ...
  • allow|deny: Specifies whether to allow or deny access for requests that match the defined ACL(s).

  • [!]aclname: The name of the ACL (Access Control List) defined in the configuration file. Multiple ACLs can be specified separated by spaces. The ! (negation) operator can be used to invert the match condition of an ACL.


Example 1: Allow access from a specific IP range

acl mynetwork src
http_access allow mynetwork
  • Explanation: This configuration allows HTTP requests originating from IP addresses in the subnet.

Example 2: Deny access to specific URLs

acl restricted_sites url_regex ^
http_access deny restricted_sites
  • Explanation: This configuration denies access to HTTP requests for URLs that match the regular expression ^

Usage Tips

  • Order of Rules: Rules are evaluated in order. Place more specific rules (like URL patterns) before general rules (like IP ranges) to ensure that specific access restrictions take precedence.

  • Default Rule: If no http_access rule matches a request, Squid implicitly denies access (http_access deny all). You should explicitly define rules to avoid unexpected behavior.

  • Restart Squid: After making changes to squid.conf, restart the Squid service (sudo systemctl restart squid or equivalent) for the changes to take effect.


Understanding and correctly configuring http_access directives in Squid's squid.conf file is essential for managing access to HTTP resources through the proxy server. By defining appropriate ACLs and specifying allow or deny actions, you can enforce access control policies based on IP addresses, URL patterns, HTTP methods, and other criteria to enhance security and manage traffic effectively. Adjust these directives according to your specific requirements to achieve the desired access control and proxy behavior.

Last updated