

The openvt command in Linux is used to open a new virtual terminal (VT). A VT is a logical terminal that can be used to run a command or application.

The syntax for the openvt command is as follows:

openvt [options] command

The options argument can be used to control the behavior of the openvt command.

Some of the most useful openvt options include:

  • -c: Specify the VT number to use.

  • -l: Make the command a login shell.

  • -s: Switch to the new VT when the command is started.

  • -u: Run the command as the specified user.

Here is an example of how to use the openvt command to open a new VT and run the bash command:

openvt bash

This command will open a new VT and run the bash command in that VT. The bash command will be started in the current directory.

Here is an example of how to use the openvt command to open a new VT and run the ls command in the /tmp directory:

openvt -c 10 ls /tmp

This command will open a new VT and run the ls command in the /tmp directory. The ls command will be started in the /tmp directory.

The openvt command is a useful tool for managing virtual terminals. You can use it to open new VTs to run different commands or applications.

Here are some of the benefits of using the openvt command:

  • It can be used to open new VTs to run different commands or applications.

  • It can be used to multiplex the use of a single physical terminal.

  • It can be used to troubleshoot problems with VTs.

  • It can be used to create custom VT configurations.

If you are working with VTs, you should make sure to learn how to use the openvt command. It is a valuable tool for managing virtual terminals.


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