
ypxfr is a command-line utility that can be used to transfer NIS (Network Information Service) maps between machines. NIS is a service that provides a central repository for user and group information.

The ypxfr command is used as follows:

ypxfr [options] [source machine] [destination machine]
  • options: These are optional flags that can be used to control the behavior of the ypxfr command.

  • source machine: This is the machine that the NIS maps are being transferred from.

  • destination machine: This is the machine that the NIS maps are being transferred to.

The ypxfr command has a number of options that can be used to control the transfer process. Some of the most commonly used ypxfr options are:

  • -s: This option specifies the source machine.

  • -d: This option specifies the destination machine.

  • -t: This option specifies the timeout for the transfer in seconds. The default timeout is 30 seconds.

  • -v: This option prints verbose output to the console.

For example, the following command will transfer the NIS maps from the machine source to the machine destination:

ypxfr -s source -d destination

The ypxfr command is a powerful tool that can be used to transfer NIS maps between machines. It is a valuable tool for system administrators who need to keep NIS maps synchronized between machines.

Here are some of the benefits of using ypxfr:

  • It is a simple and easy-to-use command.

  • It can be used to transfer NIS maps between machines of different platforms.

  • It is reliable and efficient.

  • It is supported by most Linux distributions.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using ypxfr:

  • It can be slow for large NIS maps.

  • It can be difficult to troubleshoot if there are problems with the transfer.

  • It is not as secure as some other methods of transferring NIS maps.

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