

The locate command in Unix and Linux is used to quickly find the locations of files and directories by searching through a database. This database is created and updated by the updatedb command, which indexes the file system at regular intervals. Unlike find, which searches the file system in real-time, locate uses a pre-built database, making it significantly faster for searches.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax for locate is:

locate [options] pattern
  • pattern: The pattern to search for. It can be a simple filename or a more complex string.


Simple File Search

To find all files named file.txt:

locate file.txt

Case-Insensitive Search

To perform a case-insensitive search for file.txt:

locate -i file.txt

Limiting the Number of Results

To limit the number of results to the first 10 matches:

locate -n 10 file.txt

Searching for Patterns

To find files containing the string config anywhere in their path:

locate config

Updating the Database

The database used by locate is typically updated daily by a cron job. However, you can manually update it using the updatedb command:

sudo updatedb


  • -i: Ignore case distinctions in both the pattern and the database.

  • -c: Suppress normal output; instead, print the number of matching entries.

  • -l N: Limit the output to N entries.

  • -r: Interpret the pattern as a basic regular expression.

  • -e: Consider only entries that exist at the time locate is run.

Practical Use Cases

  • Quick Searches: Quickly locate files and directories without scanning the entire filesystem.

  • System Administration: Find configuration files, logs, or executables across the system.

  • Development: Locate source code files, libraries, or other project-related files.


The locate command is an efficient tool for quickly finding files and directories on Unix and Linux systems using a pre-built database. It is faster than real-time searches and ideal for frequent file lookup tasks. Understanding how to use locate and keep its database updated enhances productivity and efficiency in system administration and general file management tasks.


Usage: plocate [OPTION]... PATTERN...

  -b, --basename         search only the file name portion of path names
  -c, --count            print number of matches instead of the matches
  -d, --database DBPATH  search for files in DBPATH
                         (default is /var/lib/plocate/plocate.db)
  -i, --ignore-case      search case-insensitively
  -l, --limit LIMIT      stop after LIMIT matches
  -0, --null             delimit matches by NUL instead of newline
  -N, --literal          do not quote filenames, even if printing to a tty
  -r, --regexp           interpret patterns as basic regexps (slow)
      --regex            interpret patterns as extended regexps (slow)
  -w, --wholename        search the entire path name (default; see -b)
      --help             print this help
      --version          print version information


-b, --base=BASE: This option tells locate to search the specified base directory.
-c, --count: This option tells locate to print the number of files that match the pattern.
-i, --ignorecase: This option tells locate to ignore case when searching for the pattern.
-r, --recursive: This option tells locate to search recursively.
-h, --help: This option shows this help message.

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