

The gpasswd command in Linux is used to manage group membership. It is a very useful command for adding and removing users from groups, and for changing the password of a group.

The gpasswd command takes the following arguments:

  • group: The name of the group to manage.

  • options: Optional arguments that control the behavior of gpasswd.

  • username: The username of the user to add or remove from the group.

  • new_password: The new password for the group.

The following are some of the most common options for the gpasswd command:

  • -a: Adds the specified user to the group.

  • -d: Removes the specified user from the group.

  • -R: Changes the password of the group for all users in the group.

  • -M: Changes the password of the group for the specified user.

For example, the following command will add the user johndoe to the group wheel:

gpasswd -a johndoe wheel

The gpasswd command is a very useful command for managing group membership. It is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to add or remove users from groups, and for changing the password of a group.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about gpasswd:

  • The gpasswd command must be run as a user who has permission to manage group membership.

  • The gpasswd command can be used to manage any group on the system.

  • The gpasswd command can be used to change the password of a group even if the group does not have a password.

Here are some examples of how to use gpasswd:

  • To add the user johndoe to the group wheel:

gpasswd -a johndoe wheel
  • To remove the user johndoe from the group wheel:

gpasswd -d johndoe wheel
  • To change the password of the group wheel for all users in the group:

gpasswd -R wheel
  • To change the password of the group wheel for the user johndoe:

gpasswd -M wheel johndoe

The gpasswd command is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to manage group membership. It is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to add or remove users from groups, and for changing the password of a group.


Usage: gpasswd [option] GROUP

  -a, --add USER                add USER to GROUP
  -d, --delete USER             remove USER from GROUP
  -h, --help                    display this help message and exit
  -Q, --root CHROOT_DIR         directory to chroot into
  -r, --remove-password         remove the GROUP's password
  -R, --restrict                restrict access to GROUP to its members
  -M, --members USER,...        set the list of members of GROUP
      --extrausers              use the extra users database
  -A, --administrators ADMIN,...
                                set the list of administrators for GROUP
Except for the -A and -M options, the options cannot be combined.

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