

mpartition is a command-line tool for creating, resizing, and deleting partitions on a hard disk drive. It can be used to create primary and logical partitions, and to set the partition type and flags.

The syntax for the mpartition command is:

mpartition [options] DEVICE

The DEVICE is the device name of the hard disk drive that you want to partition.

The options that you can use with the mpartition command include:

  • -c, --create: Creates a new partition.

  • -d, --delete: Deletes a partition.

  • -e, --edit: Edits the properties of a partition.

  • -f, --force: Forces the operation, even if the partition is in use.

  • -l, --list: Lists the partitions on the device.

  • -s, --size: Sets the size of the partition.

  • -t, --type: Sets the partition type.

  • -F, --flags: Sets the partition flags.

For example, to create a new primary partition with a size of 100 megabytes on the device /dev/sda, you would use the following command:

mpartition -c -s 100M /dev/sda

This would create a new primary partition with a size of 100 megabytes on the device /dev/sda.

You can also use mpartition to resize or delete partitions. For example, to resize the partition /dev/sda1 to 200 megabytes, you would use the following command:

mpartition -e -s 200M /dev/sda1

This would resize the partition /dev/sda1 to 200 megabytes.

To delete the partition /dev/sda1, you would use the following command:

mpartition -d /dev/sda1

This would delete the partition /dev/sda1.

The mpartition command is a powerful tool for managing partitions on hard disk drives. It can be used to create, resize, and delete partitions, and to set the partition type and flags.

Here are some of the reasons why you might want to use mpartition:

  • To create a new partition on a hard disk drive.

  • To resize an existing partition.

  • To delete an existing partition.

  • To set the partition type and flags.

If you need to manage partitions on a hard disk drive in Linux, then mpartition is a great option. It is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to manage partitions in a variety of ways.


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