
The doveconf command is a utility provided by Dovecot for inspecting and verifying the configuration of the Dovecot mail server. It provides a way to check and troubleshoot Dovecot configuration settings, ensuring that they are set up correctly and follow the expected syntax.

Overview of doveconf

  • Purpose: The doveconf command is used to output the current Dovecot configuration settings, which can help in troubleshooting and verifying the configuration of the Dovecot mail server.

  • Usage: It can be run from the command line to display various aspects of the configuration or to check specific parameters.

Basic Usage

  1. View Current Configuration:

    • To view the entire configuration that Dovecot is currently using, you can simply run:

    • This command will output the full configuration as currently loaded by Dovecot.

  2. Check Specific Configuration Parameters:

    • To check a specific configuration parameter or setting, use:

      doveconf <parameter>
    • For example, to check the mail_location setting:

      doveconf mail_location
  3. Validate Configuration Files:

    • To validate and check the syntax of the configuration files:

      doveconf -n
    • The -n flag shows the configuration without including default values, making it easier to identify custom settings.

  4. List All Available Settings:

    • To list all available settings and their current values:

      doveconf -a
    • The -a flag includes all settings, including those with default values.

  5. Show Debug Information:

    • To get more detailed debugging information about the configuration:

      doveconf -d
    • The -d flag provides debug-level details that can be useful for in-depth troubleshooting.

Example Commands and Output

  • Viewing the Entire Configuration:

    • Output will include all active configuration settings as read by Dovecot, including both default and custom settings.

  • Checking a Specific Parameter:

    doveconf mail_location
    • Output might look like:

      mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
  • Validating Configuration Files:

    doveconf -n
    • This will output the configuration settings currently being used, without default values, which helps in verifying custom configurations.

  • Listing All Settings:

    doveconf -a
    • Output includes both default and custom settings, showing the entire set of configurable parameters.

  • Debugging Configuration:

    doveconf -d
    • This provides detailed debug information useful for troubleshooting complex issues.


The doveconf command is an essential tool for Dovecot administrators, providing a way to inspect and validate configuration settings. By using doveconf, you can ensure that your Dovecot mail server is configured correctly and troubleshoot any issues related to the server’s settings.

Last updated