

The ramsize command is a Linux system administration command that is used to print the size of the RAM disk. It can also be used to set the size of the RAM disk.

The syntax for the ramsize command is:

ramsize [options] [image [size [offset]]]

The options are:

  • -f or --file: Specifies the RAM disk image file.

  • -s or --size: Specifies the size of the RAM disk in kilobytes.

  • -o or --offset: Specifies the offset of the RAM disk in the image file.

If no options are specified, the ramsize command will print the size of the current RAM disk.

For example, to print the size of the RAM disk, you would use the following command:


This would output the following:

Current RAM disk size: 1024 KB

To set the size of the RAM disk to 2048 KB, you would use the following command:

ramsize -s 2048

This would output the following:

RAM disk size set to 2048 KB

To set the size of the RAM disk to 2048 KB and specify the image file as /tmp/ramdisk.img, you would use the following command:

ramsize -f /tmp/ramdisk.img -s 2048

This would output the following:

RAM disk size set to 2048 KB in /tmp/ramdisk.img

The ramsize command is a useful tool for managing the RAM disk on your Linux system.


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