
dnssec-dsfromkey is a command-line utility used in the context of DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) to generate Delegation Signer (DS) resource records from DNSSEC key files. These DS records are essential for establishing a chain of trust in DNSSEC, allowing parent DNS zones to authenticate child zones securely.

Overview of dnssec-dsfromkey


The main purpose of dnssec-dsfromkey is to generate DS records from DNSSEC key files, which are used by parent zones to verify the authenticity of child zones' DNSSEC keys. DS records are published in parent zones and establish a secure delegation chain in DNSSEC.

Basic Usage

The usage of dnssec-dsfromkey typically involves specifying the DNSSEC key file for which DS records need to be generated. Here’s a general format of how it is used:

dnssec-dsfromkey [options] <keyfile>
  • <keyfile>: Specifies the DNSSEC key file from which DS records will be generated.


dnssec-dsfromkey Kexample.com.+008+12345.key

In this example:

  • Kexample.com.+008+12345.key is the DNSSEC key file from which DS records will be generated.


dnssec-dsfromkey generates DS records in a format suitable for inclusion in a DNS zone file. The output typically includes:

  • DS Record: Contains information such as the algorithm used, the key tag, and the hash of the DNSKEY record (public key) derived from the specified DNSSEC key file.

Integration with DNSSEC Management

In a typical DNSSEC management workflow:

  1. Key Generation: Use dnssec-keygen or dnssec-signkey to generate DNSSEC key pairs.

  2. DS Record Generation: Use dnssec-dsfromkey to generate DS records from DNSSEC key files.

  3. Parent Zone Configuration: Include DS records in the parent zone's DNS configuration to establish trust for child zones.


  • Algorithm Compatibility: Ensure compatibility between the algorithm used in the DNSSEC key and the DS record generation.

  • Key Rollover: Periodically update DS records in parent zones to reflect changes in DNSSEC key rollover processes.

  • Security: Manage and secure DNSSEC keys and associated DS records to prevent unauthorized changes or compromises.


dnssec-dsfromkey is a critical tool for DNSSEC administrators to generate DS records from DNSSEC key files, establishing secure delegation chains between parent and child DNS zones. Understanding its usage and integration with other DNSSEC tools is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of DNS infrastructure.

Last updated