
The dnssec-signzone command is used in DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) to sign a DNS zone file with cryptographic keys, thereby adding digital signatures to DNS records for data integrity and authenticity verification. Here's an overview of how dnssec-signzone works and its usage:

Purpose of dnssec-signzone:

DNSSEC signs DNS zone files to prevent DNS spoofing attacks and verify the authenticity of DNS data. It adds Resource Record Sets (RRsets) and their corresponding RRSIG records to the zone file, ensuring that DNS responses can be authenticated by DNS resolvers.


dnssec-signzone [options] zone-file [key-file ...]

Common Options:

  • -o output-file: Specifies the output file name for the signed zone.

  • -k key-directory: Specifies the directory containing DNSSEC key files (Kexample.com.*).

  • -t chroot-directory: Specifies the chroot directory for the signing process.

  • -e epoch: Sets the epoch time for signing (useful for automated resigning).

  • -x: Generates an NSEC3-signed zone instead of NSEC (for enhanced security against zone enumeration).

  • -S: Secure (silent) mode, suppresses some output messages.

  • -p: Presign mode, used to create a signed zone from an unsigned zone file.

Example Usage:

Signing a DNS Zone File:

dnssec-signzone -o example.com.signed -k /etc/bind/keys example.com.zone
  • -o example.com.signed: Specifies the output file name for the signed zone (example.com.signed).

  • -k /etc/bind/keys: Specifies the directory containing DNSSEC key files (/etc/bind/keys).

  • example.com.zone: Specifies the input zone file (example.com.zone) to be signed.

This command signs the example.com.zone file using the keys located in /etc/bind/keys, and outputs the signed zone file example.com.signed.


After running dnssec-signzone, the signed zone file (example.com.signed) will contain additional RRSIG records for each DNS record set (RRset) in the original zone file. These RRSIG records provide cryptographic signatures that can be used by DNS resolvers to verify the authenticity and integrity of DNS responses from the signed zone.

Key Management:

  • Key Rollover: Regularly update DNSSEC keys (KSK and ZSK) and resign the zone to maintain security.

  • Secure Distribution: Safeguard DNSSEC keys (K*.* files) to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Automated Signing: Use scripts or tools to automate the signing process (-e epoch option helps in automated resigning).


  • Zone Configuration: Ensure the zone file (example.com.zone) is correctly configured before signing.

  • Key Directory: Verify that the specified key directory (-k) contains the necessary DNSSEC keys (K*.* files).

  • Validation: After signing, test the signed zone using DNSSEC validation tools (dig +dnssec, dnssec-verify).

DNSSEC enhances the security of DNS by providing data origin authentication and data integrity protection. dnssec-signzone is a crucial tool for implementing DNSSEC, ensuring that DNS responses are authenticated and trustworthy. Proper key management and periodic key rollover are essential practices for maintaining the security of DNSSEC-signed zones.

Last updated