
Automake is a tool that is used to generate Makefiles for a source code package. Makefiles are files that are used to control the build process of a software project. Automake is used to generate Makefiles by scanning the source code package for macros that are used by the GNU Autotools suite.

Automake is invoked with the following syntax:

automake [options] [directories]

The directories are the directories that contain the source code package.

The options can be used to specify the following:

  • -i : Recursively automake all subdirectories.

  • -f : Force automake to remake all files, even if they are up to date.

  • -v : Verbose mode.

For example, to automake the source code package in the current directory, you would run the following command:


This command will generate Makefiles in the current directory.

To recursively automake all subdirectories of the current directory, you would run the following command:

automake -i

This command will generate Makefiles in the current directory and all subdirectories.

To force automake to remake all files, even if they are up to date, you would run the following command:

automake -f

This command will force automake to remake all files, even if they are up to date.

To enable verbose mode, you would run the following command:

automake -v

This command will enable verbose mode, which will print more information about what automake is doing.

Automake is a useful tool that can be used to generate Makefiles for a source code package. It can be used to fix problems with the Makefiles, to update the Makefiles to support new features, and to prepare a source code package for distribution.

Here are some additional things to note about automake:

  • Automake is a part of the GNU Autotools suite.

  • Automake is often used in conjunction with the aclocal and autoconf scripts.

  • Automake can be used to generate Makefiles for any source code package that uses the GNU Autotools suite.

  • Automake is a safe tool to use. It will not damage any files in the source code package.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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