

The open command in Linux is used to open a file or URL in a specified application.

The syntax for the open command is as follows:

open [options] file_or_url

The file_or_url argument is the file or URL that you want to open.

The options argument can be used to control the behavior of the open command.

Here are some of the most useful open options:

  • -a: Specify the application to use.

  • -g: Open the file in a graphical application.

  • -n: Do not create a new window.

  • -t: Specify the terminal type to use.

Here is an example of how to use the open command to open the file /etc/passwd in the vi editor:

open /etc/passwd vi

This command will open the file /etc/passwd in the vi editor.

Here is an example of how to use the open command to open the URL in the Firefox web browser:

open firefox

This command will open the URL in the Firefox web browser.

The open command is a useful tool for opening files and URLs in a variety of different applications.

Here are some of the benefits of using the open command:

  • It can be used to open files and URLs in a variety of different applications.

  • It can be used to open files and URLs in a graphical application.

  • It can be used to open files and URLs in a terminal application.

  • It can be used to open files and URLs in a custom application.

If you are working with files and URLs, you should make sure to learn how to use the open command. It is a valuable tool for opening files and URLs in a variety of different applications.


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