

The nameif command in Linux is used to rename network interfaces based on their MAC addresses. It is a useful tool for organizing your network interfaces and for troubleshooting network problems.

The syntax of the nameif command is as follows:

nameif [options] interface-name mac-address

The interface-name argument specifies the name of the network interface that you want to rename.

The mac-address argument specifies the MAC address of the network interface.

The options argument specifies additional options for renaming the network interface. The most common options are as follows:

  • -c: Specifies a file to read the MAC addresses and interface names from.

  • -s: Suppresses the output of the command.

For example, the following command renames the network interface named eth0 to lan with the MAC address 00:11:22:33:44:55:

nameif eth0 00:11:22:33:44:55 lan

The nameif command is a useful tool for organizing your network interfaces. It can be used to rename network interfaces to make them easier to remember or to troubleshoot network problems.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the nameif command:

  • The nameif command must be run as root.

  • The nameif command can only be used to rename network interfaces that are not currently up.

  • The nameif command does not change the MAC address of the network interface.

It is important to be aware of these limitations when using the nameif command, so that you do not accidentally rename a network interface that is currently up or change the MAC address of the network interface.


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