Important Pure-FTPd command line options

Pure-FTPd is a free, secure, production-quality, and standard-compliant FTP server. It supports a wide array of features and configurations. Below are some of the most important command-line options for running and managing Pure-FTPd:

Starting and Stopping the Server

  • -l: Specify the list of authentication methods (e.g., pam, puredb, mysql).

    pure-ftpd -l pam
  • -A: Enables automatic creation of user directories.

    pure-ftpd -A
  • -d: Enable debugging mode for verbose output, useful for troubleshooting.

    pure-ftpd -d
  • -E: Disable anonymous logins.

    pure-ftpd -E
  • -e: Redirect logs to the syslog.

    pure-ftpd -e
  • -F: Run in the foreground (do not daemonize).

    pure-ftpd -F
  • -h: Show the help message with available options.

    pure-ftpd -h
  • -k: Enable FTP over SSL/TLS.

    pure-ftpd -k
  • -P: Specify the public IP address for the server. Useful for NAT configurations.

    pure-ftpd -P
  • -p: Define the port or port range for the FTP service.

    pure-ftpd -p 21
  • -r: Enable support for IPv6.

    pure-ftpd -r
  • -s: Enable the use of a chroot environment for users. This restricts them to their home directories.

    pure-ftpd -s
  • -T: Enable a custom banner for the FTP server.

    pure-ftpd -T "Welcome to Pure-FTPd!"
  • -x: Disable IP spoofing protection.

    pure-ftpd -x
  • -Y: Enable support for FTP over TLS/SSL.

    pure-ftpd -Y
  • -y: Disable support for FTP over TLS/SSL.

    pure-ftpd -y

Configuration Files

  • /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf: The primary configuration file for Pure-FTPd where most server settings are defined.


  • Run Pure-FTPd with SSL/TLS Support and in Debug Mode:

    pure-ftpd -k -d
  • Run Pure-FTPd in Foreground with Specified Port and Public IP:

    pure-ftpd -F -p 21 -P
  • Start Pure-FTPd with Chroot Environment and Disable Anonymous Logins:

    pure-ftpd -s -E


Pure-FTPd offers a variety of command-line options to configure its behavior and features. From enabling SSL/TLS encryption to setting up IPv6 support and controlling the FTP service's behavior, these options allow for fine-tuned management of the FTP server. For production use, it's crucial to configure Pure-FTPd according to your specific needs and security requirements.

Last updated