

The ipcrm command in Linux is used to remove inter-process communication (IPC) resources. IPC is a mechanism that allows processes to communicate with each other.

The syntax of the ipcrm command is as follows:

ipcrm [options] command [id]

The options argument controls the behavior of the ipcrm command. The most common options are as follows:

  • -a: Remove all IPC resources of the specified type.

  • -m: Remove a message queue.

  • -s: Remove a semaphore.

  • -q: Remove a shared memory segment.

The command argument specifies the type of IPC resource that you want to remove. The most common commands are as follows:

  • rm: Remove the IPC resource.

  • id: The ID of the IPC resource that you want to remove.

For example, the following command will remove the message queue with the ID 12345:

ipcrm -m 12345

This command will remove the message queue with the ID 12345.

The ipcrm command is a useful command for troubleshooting IPC problems. It can be used to remove IPC resources that are no longer in use or that are not working properly.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the ipcrm command:

  • The ipcrm command can only be used to remove IPC resources that are created on the local system.

  • The ipcrm command will not remove IPC resources that are created by other users.

  • The ipcrm command can be used to remove IPC resources that are created by other systems.

It is important to be aware of these limitations when using the ipcrm command, so that you do not accidentally remove IPC resources that are in use or that are needed by other systems.


 ipcrm [options]
 ipcrm shm|msg|sem <id>...

Remove certain IPC resources.

 -m, --shmem-id <id>        remove shared memory segment by id
 -M, --shmem-key <key>      remove shared memory segment by key
 -q, --queue-id <id>        remove message queue by id
 -Q, --queue-key <key>      remove message queue by key
 -s, --semaphore-id <id>    remove semaphore by id
 -S, --semaphore-key <key>  remove semaphore by key
 -a, --all[=shm|msg|sem]    remove all (in the specified category)
 -v, --verbose              explain what is being done

 -h, --help                 display this help
 -V, --version              display version

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