

Sure, I can help you with that.

The popd command in Linux is used to move to the previous directory in the directory stack. This command is used to manipulate the directory stack, which is a list of recently accessed directories. You can use the pushd command to add a directory to the stack and the popd command to remove a directory from the stack.

The syntax for the popd command is as follows:


This command moves to the previous directory in the directory stack.

Here is an example of how to use the popd command:

$ cd /home/user
$ pwd
$ pushd /tmp
$ pwd
$ popd
$ pwd

In the first command, the current directory is moved to /home/user. The next command outputs the path of the current directory. The next command adds the /tmp directory to the stack. The next command moves the current directory to /tmp. The next command removes the directory from the stack. The next command outputs the path of the current directory.

The popd command is a useful tool for manipulating the directory stack.


popd: popd [-n] [+N | -N]
    Remove directories from stack.
    Removes entries from the directory stack.  With no arguments, removes
    the top directory from the stack, and changes to the new top directory.
      -n        Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing
                directories from the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.
      +N        Removes the Nth entry counting from the left of the list
                shown by `dirs', starting with zero.  For example: `popd +0'
                removes the first directory, `popd +1' the second.
      -N        Removes the Nth entry counting from the right of the list
                shown by `dirs', starting with zero.  For example: `popd -0'
                removes the last directory, `popd -1' the next to last.
    The `dirs' builtin displays the directory stack.
    Exit Status:
    Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory
    change fails.

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