
Xinetd is a daemon that manages Internet services. It is a replacement for inetd, which is a legacy daemon that is no longer recommended for use.

Xinetd is a more secure and flexible daemon than inetd. It can be used to control which services are available on a system, and it can be used to limit the access to those services.

Xinetd is started automatically when the system boots. It listens for incoming connections on a set of ports, and it then starts the appropriate service to handle the connection.

The services that Xinetd can manage include:

  • Telnet

  • FTP

  • SSH

  • HTTP


  • SMTP

  • POP3

  • IMAP

Xinetd is a powerful tool that can be used to manage Internet services on a Linux system. It is a more secure and flexible alternative to inetd.

Here are some of the benefits of using Xinetd:

  • It is a more secure daemon than inetd.

  • It is more flexible than inetd.

  • It is supported by most Linux distributions.

  • It is available as a free and open-source software.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using Xinetd:

  • It can be complex to configure.

  • It can be difficult to troubleshoot if there are problems with the services that it manages.

  • It may not be as compatible with older systems as some other daemons.

Last updated