

The quotactl command is a Linux system call that is used to manipulate disk quotas. Disk quotas are limits that can be placed on the amount of disk space that a user or group can use on a file system.

The quotactl command takes the following arguments:

  • cmd: The command to be performed.

  • special: The path to the file system to be manipulated.

  • id: The user or group ID to be affected.

  • addr: A pointer to a structure that contains the quota information.

The cmd argument can be one of the following:

  • Q_GETQUOTA: Get the quota information for the user or group ID.

  • Q_SETQUOTA: Set the quota information for the user or group ID.

  • Q_SETUSE: Set the usage information for the user or group ID.

  • Q_QUOTAON: Enable quotas for the file system.

  • Q_QUOTAOFF: Disable quotas for the file system.

The special argument is the path to the file system that is being manipulated. This path must be the path to a block device, such as /dev/sda1.

The id argument is the user or group ID to be affected. This ID can be obtained using the id command.

The addr argument is a pointer to a structure that contains the quota information. The format of this structure is defined in the <sys/quota.h> header file.

The quotactl command is a powerful tool for managing disk quotas on your system. It can be used to set quotas for users and groups, to get quota information, and to enable and disable quotas.

Here are some examples of how to use the quotactl command:

  • To get the quota information for the user bard on the file system /dev/sda1, you would use the following command:

quotactl Q_GETQUOTA /dev/sda1 bard

This would output the following:

soft limit: 10000000 blk
hard limit: 20000000 blk
usage: 100000 blk
  • To set the quota information for the user bard on the file system /dev/sda1 to a soft limit of 100 MB and a hard limit of 200 MB, you would use the following command:

quotactl Q_SETQUOTA /dev/sda1 bard 100M 200M
  • To enable quotas for the file system /dev/sda1, you would use the following command:

quotactl Q_QUOTAON /dev/sda1
  • To disable quotas for the file system /dev/sda1, you would use the following command:

quotactl Q_QUOTAOFF /dev/sda1

The quotactl command is a powerful tool for managing disk quotas on your system. It can be used to set quotas for users and groups, to get quota information, and to enable and disable quotas. If you are using disk quotas on your system, you should make sure to learn how to use the quotactl command. It is a valuable tool for maintaining the integrity of your disk quotas and ensuring that your system is running efficiently.


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