

The mcopy command in Linux is used to copy files between MS-DOS and Unix file systems. It can be used to copy files between floppy disks, hard drives, or other storage devices.

The mcopy command takes the following arguments:

  • source: The file or directory to copy from.

  • destination: The file or directory to copy to.

  • options: Optional arguments that control the behavior of the mcopy command.

The following are some of the most common options for the mcopy command:

  • -i: Prompts for confirmation before overwriting existing files.

  • -s: Copies recursively.

  • -t: Converts line breaks from Unix to MS-DOS.

  • -u: Copies only files that are newer or larger than the destination file.

For example, the following command copies the file myfile.txt from the floppy disk to the directory /home/user:

mcopy a:myfile.txt /home/user

The mcopy command is a useful tool for transferring files between MS-DOS and Unix file systems. It can be used to copy files between different types of media, or to copy files between different computers.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the mcopy command:

  • The mcopy command must be run as root or by a user who has permission to access the source and destination files.

  • The mcopy command can only be used to copy files that are located on the local machine.

  • The mcopy command cannot be used to copy files that are located on a remote machine.

It is important to be aware of these limitations when using the mcopy command, so that you do not accidentally copy a file that you do not have permission to copy or that is located on a remote machine.

Here are some examples of how to use the mcopy command:

  • To copy the file myfile.txt from the floppy disk to the directory /home/user:

mcopy a:myfile.txt /home/user
  • To copy the file myfile.txt from the floppy disk to the directory /home/user recursively:

mcopy -s a:myfile.txt /home/user
  • To copy the file myfile.txt from the floppy disk to the directory /home/user and convert line breaks to MS-DOS:

mcopy -t a:myfile.txt /home/user
  • To copy only the file myfile.txt from the floppy disk to the directory /home/user if it is newer or larger than the destination file:

mcopy -u a:myfile.txt /home/user

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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