

gpgsplit is a command-line tool that splits an OpenPGP message into individual packets. This can be useful for distributing large messages or for storing messages in a file system.

The syntax for the gpgsplit command is:

gpgsplit [options] [files]

The options that you can use with the gpgsplit command include:

  • -v, --verbose: Verbose output.

  • -p, --prefix: Prepend filenames with STRING.

  • --uncompress: Uncompress a packet.

  • --secret-to-public: Convert secret keys to public keys.

  • --no-split: Write to stdout and don't actually split.

The files are the OpenPGP messages that you want to split. If no files are specified, the message is read from standard input.

The gpgsplit command will create a new file for each packet. The filenames will be prefixed with the string that you specify with the -p option. If you do not specify a prefix, the filenames will be the numbers of the packets.

For example, to split the OpenPGP message in the file message.asc into 100 packets, you would use the following command:

gpgsplit -p 100 message.asc

This would create 100 files, numbered from 001 to 100. Each file would contain one packet from the original message.

gpgsplit is a useful tool for splitting OpenPGP messages. It can be used to distribute large messages or for storing messages in a file system.


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