

The env command in Unix-like operating systems is used to manage the environment for processes. It can be used to display the current environment variables, set new environment variables, or run commands with a modified environment. Here's an overview of the env command and its usage:

Overview of env

Purpose: The env command is used to run a command in a modified environment or to display the current environment variables.

Basic Syntax

env [OPTION]... [-] [NAME=VALUE]... [COMMAND [ARG]...]

Common Uses and Examples

  1. Display Environment Variables:

    • Running env without any arguments will list all the current environment variables and their values.


      Example output:

  2. Run a Command with Modified Environment Variables:

    • You can use env to set environment variables for a single command execution without altering the global environment.

      env VAR=value command

      For example, to run echo $VAR with VAR set to hello:

      env VAR=hello echo $VAR


  3. Remove All Environment Variables:

    • You can use the -i or --ignore-environment option to clear all environment variables and run a command in a clean environment.

      env -i command

      For example, to run a shell with no environment variables:

      env -i /bin/bash --noprofile --norc
  4. Unset an Environment Variable:

    • You can use env to run a command with specific environment variables unset.

      env -u VAR command

      For example, to run printenv without the USER environment variable:

      env -u USER printenv

Practical Examples

  1. Temporary PATH Modification:

    • Run a command with a modified PATH variable without changing the global PATH.

      env PATH=/custom/path:$PATH some_command
  2. Debugging with a Clean Environment:

    • Run a script or command in a clean environment to debug issues caused by environment variables.

      env -i /path/to/script.sh
  3. Setting Multiple Variables:

    • You can set multiple environment variables for a command execution.

      env VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 command

      For example:

      env DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=root /path/to/db_connect_script.sh

Environment Variables

Environment variables are key-value pairs that influence the behavior of processes and applications in the shell. Common environment variables include:

  • PATH: Specifies the directories to search for executable files.

  • HOME: Indicates the home directory of the current user.

  • USER: Represents the name of the current user.

  • SHELL: Specifies the path to the current shell.


The env command is a versatile tool for managing environment variables and running commands in customized environments. It's particularly useful for testing, debugging, and scripting, allowing precise control over the execution environment.


env [options] [variable=value]

Print or set environment variables.


-i, --ignore-environment   Do not inherit environment variables from the parent shell.
-u, --unset   Unset environment variable.
-l, --list   List all environment variables.
-v, --verbose   Print each variable and its value.
-P, --path   Print the current $PATH.
-S, --secure   Print environment variables in a secure way.


    env HOME=/home/user
    env -i
    env -u HOME
    env -l
    env -v
    env -P
    env -S

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