

The atop command in Linux is used to monitor system resources in real time. It can be used to see how much CPU, memory, disk, and network resources are being used by processes and by the system as a whole.

The atop command is used in the following syntax:

atop [options]

The options can be used to specify the following:

  • -d : Display detailed information about processes.

  • -s : Display summary information about processes.

  • -f : Follow processes as they start and stop.

  • -u : Display information about user accounts.

For example, to display detailed information about all processes, you would run the following command:

atop -d

This command will display a table of all processes, including the process ID, the name of the process, the user who owns the process, the CPU usage, the memory usage, the disk usage, and the network usage.

To display summary information about all processes, you would run the following command:

atop -s

This command will display a summary of all processes, including the total CPU usage, the total memory usage, the total disk usage, and the total network usage.

To follow processes as they start and stop, you would run the following command:

atop -f

This command will display a list of all processes that are currently running, as well as a list of all processes that have started and stopped since the atop command was started.

To display information about user accounts, you would run the following command:

atop -u

This command will display a list of all user accounts, as well as the CPU usage, the memory usage, the disk usage, and the network usage for each user account.

The atop command is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor system resources in real time. It can be used to troubleshoot performance problems, to identify resource hogs, and to plan for future resource needs.

Here are some additional things to note about the atop command:

  • The atop command can be used to monitor any system that uses the Linux kernel.

  • The atop command is a very detailed command, and it can be overwhelming to use at first.

  • There are many different options that can be used with the atop command, and it is important to experiment with the different options to find what works best for you.

  • The atop command can be used to create reports that can be used to track system resource usage over time.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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