OpenVPN is an open-source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections. It can be used to connect remote users or sites securely over the internet. This guide covers the installation, configuration, and use of OpenVPN.


On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openvpn


sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install openvpn


Server Configuration

  1. Generate Server Certificates and Keys

    OpenVPN uses the OpenSSL library to provide encryption, and you need to set up a Certificate Authority (CA) to generate server and client certificates and keys.

    tar xvf EasyRSA-3.0.8.tgz
    cd EasyRSA-3.0.8/
    ./easyrsa init-pki
    ./easyrsa build-ca nopass
    ./easyrsa gen-req server nopass
    ./easyrsa sign-req server server
    ./easyrsa gen-dh
    openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key
  2. Configure the Server

    Create the server configuration file, usually located at /etc/openvpn/server.conf:

    sudo nano /etc/openvpn/server.conf

    Example configuration:

    port 1194
    proto udp
    dev tun
    ca ca.crt
    cert server.crt
    key server.key
    dh dh.pem
    ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
    push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
    push "dhcp-option DNS"
    push "dhcp-option DNS"
    keepalive 10 120
    cipher AES-256-CBC
    user nobody
    group nogroup
    status openvpn-status.log
    log-append /var/log/openvpn.log
    verb 3
  3. Start and Enable OpenVPN Service

    sudo systemctl start openvpn@server
    sudo systemctl enable openvpn@server

Client Configuration

  1. Generate Client Certificates and Keys

    ./easyrsa gen-req client1 nopass
    ./easyrsa sign-req client client1
  2. Create the Client Configuration File

    Create the client configuration file, usually located at /etc/openvpn/client/client1.ovpn:

    sudo nano /etc/openvpn/client/client1.ovpn

    Example configuration:

    dev tun
    proto udp
    remote your_server_ip 1194
    resolv-retry infinite
    user nobody
    group nogroup
    ca ca.crt
    cert client1.crt
    key client1.key
    remote-cert-tls server
    cipher AES-256-CBC
    verb 3
  3. Transfer Configuration and Certificates to Client

    Transfer the configuration file (client1.ovpn), CA certificate (ca.crt), client certificate (client1.crt), and client key (client1.key) to the client machine.

  4. Start the OpenVPN Client

    On the client machine, start OpenVPN with the configuration file:

    sudo openvpn --config /path/to/client1.ovpn

Management and Usage

OpenVPN Management Commands

  • Start OpenVPN Service

    sudo systemctl start openvpn@server
  • Stop OpenVPN Service

    sudo systemctl stop openvpn@server
  • Enable OpenVPN Service at Boot

    sudo systemctl enable openvpn@server
  • Disable OpenVPN Service at Boot

    sudo systemctl disable openvpn@server
  • Check OpenVPN Service Status

    sudo systemctl status openvpn@server

Security Considerations

  • Regularly Update OpenVPN: Ensure that OpenVPN and all dependencies are regularly updated to the latest version to benefit from security patches and improvements.

  • Use Strong Encryption: Use strong encryption methods such as AES-256-CBC.

  • Firewall Configuration: Ensure that the necessary ports (e.g., 1194) are open on your firewall to allow OpenVPN traffic.

  • Secure Certificates and Keys: Protect the CA, server, and client certificates and keys. Never share private keys.


OpenVPN is a versatile and secure tool for setting up VPN connections. By following the installation and configuration steps, you can create a robust VPN solution for connecting remote users or sites securely. Regular maintenance and security practices will ensure the VPN remains secure and reliable.

Last updated