
The seinfo command is part of the SELinux policy management tools and is used to display various types of information about SELinux policies. This command is particularly useful for administrators and security professionals who need to query and analyze the components of an SELinux policy, such as types, attributes, classes, roles, and users. Here’s a detailed explanation of seinfo, its usage, and significance:

Purpose of seinfo

The main purpose of seinfo is to:

  • Query and display detailed information about SELinux policy components.

  • Provide insights into the structure and contents of an SELinux policy.

Key Features and Functionality

  1. Policy Analysis: seinfo allows administrators to inspect various elements of SELinux policies, facilitating a deeper understanding of policy structure and components.

  2. Comprehensive Information: It can display information about types, attributes, classes, roles, users, and other SELinux policy components.


To use seinfo, open a terminal and type:

seinfo [options]

Common Options

  • -t: Show types defined in the policy.

  • -a: Show attributes defined in the policy.

  • -c: Show classes defined in the policy.

  • -r: Show roles defined in the policy.

  • -u: Show users defined in the policy.

  • -x: Show permissions defined for classes in the policy.

  • -R: Show rules in the policy.

Example Commands

Example 1: Display All Types

seinfo -t

This command displays all types defined in the current SELinux policy.

Example 2: Display All Roles

seinfo -r

This command displays all roles defined in the current SELinux policy.

Example 3: Display All Users

seinfo -u

This command displays all SELinux users defined in the current policy.

Example 4: Display Policy Statistics


Running seinfo without options displays high-level statistics about the current SELinux policy, such as the number of types, attributes, roles, and users.

Example Output

Running seinfo might produce output similar to the following:

Statistics for policy file: /etc/selinux/targeted/policy/policy.31
Policy Version & Type: v.31 (binary, mls)
Roles: 20
Users: 5
Types: 560
Attributes: 80
Booleans: 25
Classes: 40
Sensitivity levels: 16
Categories: 1024


  • Detailed Policy Inspection: seinfo provides detailed information about SELinux policy components, helping administrators understand and audit the policy.

  • Policy Analysis and Debugging: Facilitates policy analysis and debugging by providing insights into the structure and contents of the policy.

Security Considerations

  • Policy Consistency: Ensure that the SELinux policy information aligns with security requirements and organizational policies.

  • Regular Audits: Use seinfo regularly to audit and verify the components of the SELinux policy to maintain a secure system configuration.


The seinfo command is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing SELinux policies. By using seinfo, administrators can gain valuable insights into the structure and components of SELinux policies, facilitating effective policy management and enhancing system security.

Last updated