

The envsubst command in Linux is used to substitute environment variables in text. It is a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks and to make scripts more portable.

The envsubst command is used in the following syntax:

envsubst [options] [template]

The template is the text that you want to substitute environment variables in.

The options can be used to specify the following:

  • -i : Replace all occurrences of environment variables.

  • -f : Specify a file that contains environment variables.

  • -s : Strip whitespace from the output.

For example, the following code will substitute the environment variable HOME in the text This is my $HOME directory:

envsubst -i 'HOME=$HOME' 'This is my $HOME directory'

This code will substitute the environment variable HOME with the value of the HOME variable, which is the user's home directory. The output of the command will be This is my /home/user directory.

The envsubst command is a powerful tool that can be used to substitute environment variables in text. It is a valuable tool to know, especially if you automate tasks or write scripts.

Here are some additional things to note about the envsubst command:

  • The envsubst command can be used to substitute any environment variable.

  • The envsubst command can be used to substitute environment variables in any text.

  • The envsubst command can be used to make scripts more portable.

  • The envsubst command can be used to automate tasks.


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