
radmin is a control and monitoring utility for the FreeRADIUS server, providing administrators with a command-line interface to interact with the FreeRADIUS server in real-time. It allows administrators to perform various tasks, such as managing users, checking server status, and manipulating the server's configuration without needing to restart the server.

Key Features of radmin

  • Real-time Control: Manage and configure the FreeRADIUS server dynamically.

  • Monitoring: Check the status of the server and view statistics.

  • User Management: Add, remove, or modify user configurations.

  • Debugging: Assist in debugging and troubleshooting the server.

  • Virtual Server Management: Enable or disable virtual servers.


radmin is included with the FreeRADIUS server package. If you have FreeRADIUS installed, you should already have radmin available. If not, install FreeRADIUS first.

For Debian-based systems:

sudo apt-get install freeradius

For Red Hat-based systems:

sudo yum install freeradius


To use radmin, you typically need administrative privileges. Here are some common tasks and commands you can perform with radmin:

Starting radmin

sudo radmin

This command starts the radmin interface, where you can enter various commands to control and monitor the FreeRADIUS server.

Common radmin Commands

  1. Check Server Status

    radmin> status

    Displays the status of the FreeRADIUS server, including uptime, requests processed, and other statistics.

  2. Show Server Statistics

    radmin> stats client
    radmin> stats detail

    Displays detailed statistics about the server's performance and client interactions.

  3. Manage Virtual Servers

    • Enable a Virtual Server

      radmin> server start <server_name>
    • Disable a Virtual Server

      radmin> server stop <server_name>
  4. Manage Clients

    • Add a Client

      radmin> add client <client_name> <ip_address> <secret>
    • Remove a Client

      radmin> del client <client_name>
  5. Check Authenticated Users

    radmin> show users

    Lists the currently authenticated users.

  6. Reload Configuration

    radmin> reload

    Reloads the FreeRADIUS server configuration without restarting the server.

  7. Debugging and Logging

    • View Debug Output

      radmin> debug level <level>
    • Set Logging Level

      radmin> log level <level>

Example Usage Scenarios

Adding a New Client

To add a new client named example-client with an IP address and a secret example-secret:

sudo radmin
radmin> add client example-client example-secret

Enabling a Virtual Server

To enable a virtual server named example-server:

sudo radmin
radmin> server start example-server

Checking Server Status and Statistics

To check the overall status and detailed statistics of the server:

sudo radmin
radmin> status
radmin> stats detail

Security Considerations

  • Restricted Access: Ensure radmin is only accessible by authorized administrators.

  • Secure Communications: Use secure channels when remotely accessing the FreeRADIUS server.

  • Strong Authentication: Implement strong authentication mechanisms for users and clients.


radmin is a powerful tool for managing and monitoring the FreeRADIUS server in real-time. It provides administrators with the ability to dynamically control server operations, manage users and clients, and troubleshoot issues efficiently. By leveraging radmin, administrators can ensure the FreeRADIUS server is running optimally and securely.

Last updated