
The getsebool command in Linux is used to retrieve the current value of SELinux boolean variables. SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) uses boolean variables to toggle specific security policies or features on or off. Here’s a detailed explanation of getsebool, its usage, and significance:

Purpose of getsebool

The main purpose of getsebool is to:

  • Display the current status (enabled or disabled) of SELinux boolean variables.

  • Provide information about specific SELinux policies or features controlled by these boolean variables.

Key Features and Functionality

  1. Retrieve Boolean Status: getsebool retrieves and displays the current value (enabled or disabled) of SELinux boolean variables.

  2. Granular Control: Boolean variables in SELinux allow administrators to enable or disable specific security policies or features without modifying SELinux policies directly.


To use getsebool, open a terminal and type:

getsebool boolean_name

Where boolean_name is the name of the SELinux boolean variable you want to check.

Example Commands

Example 1: Check Status of a Boolean

getsebool httpd_can_network_connect

This command retrieves the current status of the httpd_can_network_connect boolean, which controls whether the Apache HTTP Server (httpd) is allowed to make network connections.

Example Output

The output of getsebool typically looks like this:

  • If the boolean is enabled:

    httpd_can_network_connect --> on
  • If the boolean is disabled:

    httpd_can_network_connect --> off


  • Fine-Grained Security Control: Boolean variables provide a mechanism for administrators to customize SELinux security policies without modifying the core SELinux configuration files.

  • Policy Customization: Enables administrators to adjust security settings to meet specific application or system requirements.

Security Considerations

  • Policy Management: Manage boolean variables carefully to ensure they align with security policies and do not introduce vulnerabilities.

  • Auditing: Regularly audit and review SELinux boolean settings to verify they meet security and compliance requirements.


getsebool is a valuable tool for querying SELinux boolean variables and understanding their current status on Linux systems. By using getsebool, administrators can effectively manage SELinux security policies, customize security features, and maintain a secure computing environment tailored to organizational needs.

Last updated