
The unexpand command in Linux is used to convert tabs in a file to spaces. It is a useful command for making text files more readable.

The unexpand command is used as follows:

unexpand [options] file
  • options: These are optional flags that can be used to control the behavior of the unexpand command.

  • file: This is the file that you want to unexpand.

For example, the following command will unexpand the tabs in the file file1.txt:

unexpand file1.txt

The unexpand command offers a few options that can be used to control how tabs are converted to spaces. Here are some of the most common options:

  • -t: This option specifies the width of the tab character. The default width is 8 characters.

  • -n: This option specifies the number of spaces to insert for each tab character. The default number of spaces is 1.

The unexpand command is a useful command for making text files more readable. It can be used to convert tabs to spaces, which can make text files easier to read and edit.

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