
ceph-volume is a Ceph tool used to manage and provision OSDs (Object Storage Daemons) on a Ceph cluster. It supports various types of storage backends (e.g., lvm, raw, bluestore, filestore) and provides functionality for creating, listing, and destroying OSDs.

Here are the relevant subcommands and their common usage:

Common ceph-volume Subcommands

1. ceph-volume lvm

The ceph-volume lvm subcommand is used to manage OSDs backed by LVM (Logical Volume Manager). Ceph OSDs are often deployed using bluestore or filestore on LVM partitions.

ceph-volume lvm create

Creates a new OSD backed by LVM.

ceph-volume lvm create --data <device>
  • Example:

    ceph-volume lvm create --data /dev/sdb

This command creates a new OSD on the device /dev/sdb. By default, it creates a bluestore OSD, but you can specify filestore if needed:

  • Example for filestore:

    ceph-volume lvm create --filestore --data /dev/sdb

ceph-volume lvm list

Lists all OSDs that are backed by LVM.

ceph-volume lvm list
  • Example:

    ceph-volume lvm list

This displays detailed information about all LVM-backed OSDs in the system.

ceph-volume lvm zap

Destroys the contents of a device (zaps) to prepare it for reuse.

ceph-volume lvm zap <device>
  • Example:

    ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdb

This wipes all data and partitioning information from the device /dev/sdb, making it ready for new OSD creation.

ceph-volume lvm activate

Activates an existing OSD by associating it with the Ceph cluster.

ceph-volume lvm activate --all
  • Example:

    ceph-volume lvm activate --all

This activates all LVM-backed OSDs in the system, making them part of the running Ceph cluster.

2. ceph-volume raw

The ceph-volume raw subcommand is used to manage OSDs without LVM, particularly for bluestore OSDs that don't require LVM as a backend.

ceph-volume raw create

Creates a new OSD without LVM.

ceph-volume raw create --data <device>
  • Example:

    ceph-volume raw create --data /dev/sdc

This creates a bluestore OSD on the raw device /dev/sdc without using LVM.

ceph-volume raw list

Lists all OSDs that are not backed by LVM (raw OSDs).

ceph-volume raw list
  • Example:

    ceph-volume raw list

This displays detailed information about all raw OSDs in the system.

ceph-volume raw zap

Zaps (wipes) a raw device to prepare it for reuse.

ceph-volume raw zap <device>
  • Example:

    ceph-volume raw zap /dev/sdc

This wipes all data and partitioning information from the raw device /dev/sdc, preparing it for reuse.

3. ceph-volume simple

The ceph-volume simple subcommand is a legacy command used to manage OSDs before lvm and raw methods were introduced. It's now deprecated but still supported for backward compatibility.

ceph-volume simple scan

Scans a device to gather information about existing OSDs.

ceph-volume simple scan <device>
  • Example:

    ceph-volume simple scan /dev/sdd

This scans the device /dev/sdd to check if an OSD is already present or if it can be reused.

ceph-volume simple activate

Activates an existing OSD using the legacy simple method.

ceph-volume simple activate --all
  • Example:

    ceph-volume simple activate --all

This activates all OSDs managed by the simple backend.

4. ceph-volume inventory

The ceph-volume inventory subcommand is used to display the inventory of available devices that can be used for OSD creation.

ceph-volume inventory

Lists all available devices on the host that can be used for OSD creation, showing if they are zapped, have partitions, or contain OSDs.

ceph-volume inventory
  • Example:

    ceph-volume inventory

This command provides detailed information about all devices available for OSD use on the system, indicating their status.

5. ceph-volume trigger

The ceph-volume trigger subcommand allows manual triggering of specific events for OSDs, such as triggering a rescan of LVM devices.

ceph-volume trigger rescan

Triggers a rescan of LVM devices to ensure that all OSDs are properly detected and activated.

ceph-volume trigger rescan
  • Example:

    ceph-volume trigger rescan

This forces a rescan of LVM devices, ensuring that the cluster has up-to-date information on all OSDs.

6. ceph-volume systemd

The ceph-volume systemd subcommand helps manage the interaction between OSDs and systemd units for service management.

ceph-volume systemd list

Lists all the systemd unit files related to OSDs.

ceph-volume systemd list
  • Example:

    ceph-volume systemd list

This command displays all the systemd units managing OSDs, showing their statuses.

ceph-volume systemd activate

Activates systemd unit files for OSDs.

ceph-volume systemd activate --all
  • Example:

    ceph-volume systemd activate --all

This activates all the systemd unit files responsible for managing the OSDs.


The ceph-volume tool is essential for managing the lifecycle of Ceph OSDs, offering flexibility in choosing between LVM and raw devices. Its subcommands allow you to create, list, activate, and zap OSDs, and manage the inventory of available devices. By providing options for both legacy and modern methods of OSD provisioning, ceph-volume ensures the robust and efficient management of Ceph storage resources.

Last updated