
The conf.maldet file is the main configuration file for Linux Malware Detect (maldet), an open-source malware scanner designed for Unix-based systems. This file allows administrators to customize various settings and behavior of maldet to suit specific security requirements. Here's an overview of what you might find in conf.maldet and its significance:

Purpose of conf.maldet

The primary purpose of conf.maldet is to:

  • Define and configure the behavior of maldet during malware scans.

  • Specify scanning options, paths to scan, and exclude certain files or directories from scans.

  • Customize logging, notifications, and other operational aspects of maldet.

Typical Configuration Options

  1. Basic Settings:

    • email_alert: Enables or disables email alerts when malware is detected.

    • quar_hits: Determines whether detected malware should be quarantined or cleaned.

    • scan_ignore: Specifies files, directories, or file patterns to exclude from scanning.

    • scan_maxdepth: Sets the maximum depth of subdirectories to scan recursively.

  2. Logging and Output:

    • log_file: Specifies the file where maldet logs its output.

    • log_level: Sets the verbosity level of logging (e.g., info, warning, error).

  3. Scan Settings:

    • scan_clean: Specifies whether to attempt to clean infected files automatically.

    • scan_clamscan: Enables or disables integration with ClamAV for enhanced malware detection.

  4. Notifications:

    • email_addr: Email address to which notifications should be sent.

    • email_max_lines: Limits the number of lines included in email notifications.

  5. Quarantine Settings:

    • quarantine_clean: Defines whether to clean, move, or ignore quarantined files.

    • quarantine_hits: Determines whether to quarantine detected malware.

Example Configuration

Here’s a simplified example of what conf.maldet might look like:

# Email alert settings

# Logging settings

# Scan settings

# Quarantine settings

# ClamAV integration

Security Considerations

  • Configuration Review: Regularly review and update conf.maldet to reflect current security practices and address new threats.

  • Log Monitoring: Monitor the maldet log file (/var/log/maldet.log) for warnings, errors, and suspicious activities.

  • Testing and Validation: Test maldet configurations in a controlled environment to verify effectiveness without causing disruptions.


conf.maldet is essential for configuring maldet to detect and manage malware effectively on Unix-based systems. By understanding and correctly configuring this file, administrators can enhance their system’s security posture, detect potential threats, and respond promptly to security incidents.

Last updated