
The xargs command in Unix and Linux is used to build and execute commands from standard input. It is particularly useful for passing the results of one command as arguments to another command, allowing for more efficient and flexible command execution.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax for the xargs command is:

command | xargs [options] [command]
  • command: The initial command whose output will be processed by xargs.

  • options: Optional command-line options to modify the behavior of xargs.

  • [command]: The command that will process the output from the initial command.


Passing Input to Another Command

To pass the output of one command as arguments to another command:

ls *.txt | xargs rm
  • This command lists all .txt files in the current directory (ls *.txt) and uses xargs to pass each file as an argument to rm, effectively deleting them.

Limiting Arguments

To limit the number of arguments passed to a command:

ls | xargs -n 1 echo
  • The -n 1 option tells xargs to pass one argument (-n 1) at a time to echo, which then displays each filename on a new line.

Using with Find

To find files and perform operations on them using xargs:

find . -name "*.log" | xargs grep "ERROR"
  • This command uses find to locate all .log files in the current directory (find . -name "*.log") and passes them to xargs, which in turn runs grep "ERROR" on each file to search for occurrences of "ERROR".

Handling Spaces and Special Characters

To handle filenames with spaces or special characters correctly:

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
  • The -print0 option in find and -0 option in xargs use null characters (\0) as separators instead of whitespace, ensuring correct handling of filenames with spaces or special characters.


-n num

  • Specifies the maximum number of arguments passed to the command (num).

-P num

  • Specifies the maximum number of processes to run simultaneously (num).

-I replace-str

  • Specifies a placeholder (replace-str) that xargs will replace with the input.


  • Echoes the command to be executed before running it.


  • Asks for confirmation before executing each command.

Practical Use Cases

Batch Processing

xargs is useful for processing a large number of files or data items efficiently, especially when combined with commands like find, grep, or rm.

Handling Input from Standard Input

When dealing with interactive or piped input, xargs helps process and manage the input stream effectively.

Parallel Execution

Using the -P option, xargs can parallelize commands to improve performance, executing multiple instances concurrently.


The xargs command is a powerful utility for building and executing commands from standard input in Unix and Linux environments. It allows for flexible handling of command-line arguments, batch processing of files, and parallel execution of commands. Understanding its usage and options can greatly enhance your ability to automate tasks and manage data effectively on the command line.

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