
The openvas-adduser command is used to create new user accounts for the OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System) scanner. OpenVAS is an open-source framework for vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management. Adding users to OpenVAS is an essential step for managing access control and user permissions.

Basic Usage

To add a new user to OpenVAS, open a terminal and use the openvas-adduser command:

sudo openvas-adduser

This command initiates an interactive process where you will be prompted to enter details for the new user.

Steps in Interactive Mode

  1. Enter the Username:

    Enter the username: <username>
  2. Select Roles: You will be prompted to select roles for the user. Roles define the permissions and access levels within OpenVAS. Common roles include:

    • Admin: Full access to all features and configurations.

    • User: Limited access, typically to perform scans and view results.


    Roles (comma-separated, one of Admin,User): Admin
  3. Password Setup: Enter a password for the new user. You will be prompted to confirm the password.

    New password:
    Re-enter new password:
  4. Confirmation: After entering the necessary details, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that the user has been successfully added.


Here is an example session of adding a user named john with the Admin role:

$ sudo openvas-adduser
Enter the username: john
Roles (comma-separated, one of Admin,User): Admin
New password:
Re-enter new password:
User john has been successfully added.

Advanced Options

In addition to the interactive mode, openvas-adduser can also be used with command-line options to specify user details non-interactively. This is useful for scripting and automation purposes.


sudo openvas-adduser --username=john --role=Admin --password='SecurePassword'

Security Considerations

  1. Strong Passwords: Ensure that passwords are strong and meet the security policies of your organization.

  2. Role Assignment: Assign roles carefully to limit access based on the principle of least privilege.

  3. Regular Audits: Regularly review and audit user accounts and their roles to ensure proper access control.


The openvas-adduser command is a straightforward and essential tool for managing user accounts in OpenVAS. By following the interactive prompts or using command-line options, administrators can efficiently add and manage users, ensuring secure and controlled access to the OpenVAS vulnerability scanning system.

Last updated