1. X11 Architecture

  • X Server: Understand that the X Server is responsible for managing graphical output and input devices.

  • Clients: Applications that run on the X Server to display graphical output.

2. Xorg Configuration

  • xorg.conf: The main configuration file for X11. It specifies settings like display resolution, monitor settings, graphics driver options, etc.

3. Keyboard Layout Configuration

  • Keyboard Layout: Configure keyboard layouts in xorg.conf or through system settings.

4. Components of Desktop Environments

  • Display Managers: Manage user authentication and starting of the X server session. Examples include gdm, lightdm, sddm.

  • Window Managers: Manage the placement and appearance of windows. Examples include Metacity, Openbox, Mutter.

5. Managing Remote X Servers

  • X11 Forwarding: Allow applications to display their graphical output on a local system while executing on a remote system.

  • Access Control: Control which systems can connect to the X server using tools like xhost, xauth, or configuring xorg.conf.

6. Awareness of Wayland

  • Wayland: A newer protocol and replacement for X11, focusing on modern features and security. Understand its differences and benefits over X11.

Files and Directories

  • /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Main configuration file for X11.

  • /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/: Directory for additional configuration snippets.

Study Tips

  • Hands-on Practice: Install and configure X11 on a Linux system (such as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Debian) to familiarize yourself with its components and configuration options.

  • Documentation: Refer to official documentation and man pages (man xorg.conf, man xorg, etc.) for detailed configuration options and troubleshooting tips.

  • Virtual Machines: Use virtualization software (like VirtualBox or VMware) to create test environments for practicing X11 configuration without affecting your primary system.

By focusing on these areas and getting practical experience with X11, you'll be well-prepared to install, configure, and troubleshoot X11 environments as required for your exam or certification.

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