SSLProtocol, SSLCipherSuite, ServerTokens, ServerSignature, TraceEnable

The directives SSLProtocol, SSLCipherSuite, ServerTokens, ServerSignature, and TraceEnable are key configuration options used in Apache HTTP Server (httpd.conf or .htaccess) to control various aspects of SSL/TLS encryption, server information disclosure, and HTTP request tracing. Here’s what each directive does:

1. SSLProtocol

The SSLProtocol directive controls which SSL/TLS protocols Apache will use for secure connections. You can specify one or more protocols using this directive.


SSLProtocol TLSv1.2

2. SSLCipherSuite

The SSLCipherSuite directive configures the list of ciphers that Apache will accept for SSL/TLS encryption. It allows you to specify the preferred ciphers and their order of preference.



3. ServerTokens

The ServerTokens directive controls the amount of information Apache includes in its HTTP response headers about the server’s identity. This helps in reducing the information disclosed to potential attackers.


ServerTokens Prod

4. ServerSignature

The ServerSignature directive determines whether Apache includes a server-generated footer line with server version and hostname in error messages and server-generated pages.


ServerSignature Off

5. TraceEnable

The TraceEnable directive controls whether HTTP TRACE method requests are allowed. TRACE requests can be used in cross-site scripting attacks if not properly disabled.


TraceEnable Off


  • SSL/TLS Configuration: Use SSLProtocol and SSLCipherSuite to specify the versions and ciphers that Apache should support for secure connections.

  • Server Identity: Configure ServerTokens and ServerSignature to minimize the disclosure of server information in HTTP response headers and error messages.

  • Security: Disable TraceEnable to prevent HTTP TRACE method requests, which can be exploited in certain security attacks.


  • Security Best Practices: Keep SSLProtocol and SSLCipherSuite up-to-date with the latest security recommendations. Avoid using weak ciphers and protocols like SSLv2 or SSLv3.

  • Reducing Information Leakage: Set ServerTokens to Prod or Major to limit the amount of information about your server software in HTTP response headers.

  • Disabling TRACE Requests: Ensure TraceEnable Off is set to prevent HTTP TRACE method requests, which can expose sensitive information.

These directives are crucial for configuring Apache to ensure secure SSL/TLS connections, reduce server information disclosure, and mitigate certain security risks associated with HTTP methods. Adjust these settings based on your specific security requirements and environment.

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