
ndpmon is a network monitoring tool specifically designed to monitor and manage IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) activities on a network. NDP is a key protocol in IPv6 networks, responsible for address autoconfiguration, neighbor discovery (similar to ARP in IPv4), and router discovery. Here’s an overview of ndpmon and its functionalities:

Key Features of ndpmon

  1. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Monitoring: ndpmon captures and analyzes NDP messages exchanged between IPv6 hosts and routers on the network. This includes Router Solicitation (RS), Router Advertisement (RA), Neighbor Solicitation (NS), and Neighbor Advertisement (NA) messages.

  2. Real-time Monitoring: It provides real-time monitoring capabilities to track changes in the network topology, such as new devices connecting or disconnecting, router availability, and changes in IPv6 addresses.

  3. Alerts and Notifications: ndpmon can generate alerts and notifications based on predefined thresholds or abnormal NDP behavior, helping network administrators detect and respond to network anomalies promptly.

  4. Detailed Statistics: It offers detailed statistics on NDP message counts, traffic patterns, and network usage trends over time. This data is valuable for network performance analysis and troubleshooting.

  5. Logging and Reporting: ndpmon supports logging captured NDP messages to files for offline analysis and reporting. Logs can be saved in various formats, facilitating integration with other network management and monitoring systems.

  6. Integration with SNMP: Some implementations of ndpmon support Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), allowing network administrators to monitor NDP statistics and events through SNMP-based management tools.

Usage Scenarios

  • IPv6 Network Monitoring: Monitor and manage IPv6 network infrastructure to ensure smooth operation and detect potential issues related to NDP.

  • Network Troubleshooting: Use ndpmon to diagnose connectivity problems, address conflicts, and optimize IPv6 network performance.

  • Security Monitoring: Detect and respond to unauthorized devices or abnormal network behavior by analyzing NDP message patterns and anomalies.

  • IPv6 Deployment and Migration: Assist in the deployment and migration to IPv6 networks by providing visibility into NDP operations and addressing configuration issues.

Installation and Availability

ndpmon may be available as part of network monitoring suites or as standalone software. Installation methods can vary depending on the operating system and distribution. Typically, it requires administrative privileges to capture and analyze network traffic.

Security Considerations

  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that network monitoring complies with legal and regulatory requirements, particularly regarding privacy and data protection laws.

  • Data Encryption: When logging or transmitting captured data, use encryption to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.


ndpmon is a specialized tool designed for monitoring and managing NDP activities within IPv6 networks. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability, security, and efficiency of IPv6 network infrastructures by providing real-time insights into NDP operations and network dynamics. For specific deployment scenarios or further details on using ndpmon, consulting the official documentation or community resources is recommended.

Last updated