
The named-compilezone command is used to compile DNS zone files into a more efficient binary format. This can improve the speed and reliability of DNS zone transfers and is particularly useful for large zone files. It is part of the BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) suite of DNS software.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for named-compilezone is:

named-compilezone [options] zone-name zone-file [output-file]
  • zone-name: The name of the DNS zone.

  • zone-file: The path to the input zone file in text format.

  • output-file: The path to the output compiled zone file. If not specified, the output will be sent to stdout.

Common Options

  • -o output-file: Specifies the output file.

  • -f format: Specifies the format of the input file (e.g., text, raw). The default is text.

  • -F format: Specifies the format of the output file (e.g., text, raw). The default is raw.

  • -j: Specifies that the input file is in journal format.

  • -J: Outputs the zone file in journal format.

  • -s serial: Overrides the serial number specified in the zone file with the given serial number.

  • -S: Sets the serial number to the current time.

  • -i style: Sets the integrity check style (e.g., full, none, warn). The default is full.

  • -h: Displays help information.

Example Usage

Compiling a Zone File

To compile a zone file into a binary format and save it as, you can use the following command:

named-compilezone -o

Specifying Input and Output Formats

If you need to specify the format of the input and output files, you can use the -f and -F options. For example, to convert a text zone file to raw format:

named-compilezone -f text -F raw -o

Overriding the Serial Number

To override the serial number in the zone file with a specific number:

named-compilezone -s 2021071501 -o

Checking Zone File Integrity

To check the integrity of a zone file without writing an output file:

named-compilezone -i full

Practical Scenario

Suppose you have a DNS zone file for located at /etc/bind/zones/, and you want to compile it to a binary format for efficient use:

named-compilezone -o /etc/bind/zones/ /etc/bind/zones/

This command reads the zone file /etc/bind/zones/, compiles it into a binary format, and saves the output to /etc/bind/zones/

Benefits of Using named-compilezone

  • Performance: Binary zone files can be loaded faster by the DNS server, improving startup and reload times.

  • Integrity: Ensures the integrity and correctness of zone files by performing thorough checks during compilation.

  • Efficiency: Reduces the size of zone files, which can save disk space and improve transfer times during zone transfers.


The named-compilezone tool is a valuable utility for DNS administrators using BIND. It helps convert human-readable DNS zone files into an optimized binary format, ensuring better performance and reliability for DNS operations. By understanding and utilizing its various options, administrators can effectively manage and optimize their DNS zones.

Last updated