
Sure, the tput command in Linux is used to query and control the terminal emulator. The tput command can be used to change the cursor position, the screen size, and the colors of the terminal.

The tput command is used as follows:

tput [options] [command]
  • options: These are optional flags that can be used to control the behavior of the tput command.

  • command: This is the command that will be executed.

The tput command has a number of commands that can be used to control the terminal emulator. Some of the most commonly used tput commands are:

  • cup: This command moves the cursor to the specified row and column.

  • clear: This command clears the screen.

  • cols: This command displays the number of columns in the terminal.

  • lines: This command displays the number of rows in the terminal.

  • reset: This command resets the terminal to its default settings.

For example, the following command will move the cursor to the 10th row and the 20th column:

tput cup 10 20

The following command will clear the screen:

tput clear

The following command will display the number of columns in the terminal:

tput cols

The following command will display the number of rows in the terminal:

tput lines

The following command will reset the terminal to its default settings:

tput reset

The tput command is a valuable tool for system administrators and users who need to control the terminal emulator. It can be used to troubleshoot problems, to customize the terminal, and to improve the user experience.

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