Additional Samba Commands: smbcontrol, smbstatus, testparm, smbpasswd, nmblookup

In addition to the main Samba daemons (smbd, nmbd, and winbindd), there are several useful command-line utilities that help manage and troubleshoot Samba. These include smbcontrol, smbstatus, testparm, smbpasswd, and nmblookup.


smbcontrol is used to send messages to Samba daemons (smbd, nmbd, winbindd) to control their behavior or request information.

  • Usage:

    smbcontrol <daemon> <message-type> [parameters]
  • Common Commands:

    • smbcontrol all reload-config: Reloads the configuration file for all running daemons.

    • smbcontrol smbd debug 10: Sets the debug level of smbd to 10.

    • smbcontrol winbindd ping: Sends a ping to the winbindd daemon.

  • Example:

    sudo smbcontrol all reload-config


smbstatus is used to display current Samba connections, open files, and locked files.

  • Usage:

    smbstatus [options]
  • Common Options:

    • -S: Show share mode locks.

    • -L: Show byte range locks.

    • -p: Show process IDs of the connected clients.

  • Example:


    Output example:

    Samba version 4.13.3
    PID     Username     Group        Machine  Protocol Version  Encryption           Signing             
    1234    john         users (ipv4: NT1


testparm is a utility to check the Samba configuration file (smb.conf) for syntax errors.

  • Usage:

    testparm [configuration file] [hostname host IP]
  • Common Usage:

    • Validate the default configuration file:

  • Example:

    testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf

    This checks the specified configuration file for syntax errors and displays the loaded configuration.


smbpasswd is used to manage Samba user accounts and passwords.

  • Usage:

    smbpasswd [options] [username]
  • Common Commands:

    • smbpasswd -a username: Adds a new Samba user.

    • smbpasswd -x username: Deletes a Samba user.

    • smbpasswd username: Changes the password for the specified user.

  • Example:

    sudo smbpasswd -a john

    This adds a new Samba user named john and prompts for a password.


nmblookup is used for NetBIOS name resolution, similar to nslookup but for NetBIOS names.

  • Usage:

    nmblookup [options] name
  • Common Options:

    • -A IP-address: Queries the specified IP address for its NetBIOS name.

    • -R: Sends the query as a broadcast.

  • Example:

    nmblookup -A

    This queries the NetBIOS names registered by the specified IP address.

Summary of Commands and Usage

CommandPurposeCommon UsageExample Command


Sends control messages to Samba daemons

smbcontrol all reload-config

sudo smbcontrol smbd debug 10


Displays current Samba connections and files




Checks Samba configuration for syntax errors


testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf


Manages Samba user accounts and passwords

smbpasswd -a username, smbpasswd username

sudo smbpasswd -a john


Performs NetBIOS name queries

nmblookup -A IP-address

nmblookup -A


These Samba command-line utilities (smbcontrol, smbstatus, testparm, smbpasswd, and nmblookup) provide essential tools for managing, troubleshooting, and configuring Samba services. Understanding their usage and options enhances an administrator's ability to maintain and secure Samba servers in a network environment.

Last updated