

The unix2dos command is a command-line utility that can be used to convert text files from Unix format to DOS format. Unix format uses a line feed (LF) character as the end of line, while DOS format uses a carriage return (CR) character followed by a line feed (CRLF). The unix2dos command will convert all LF characters to CRLF characters.

The unix2dos command is used as follows:

unix2dos [options] file
  • options: These are optional flags that can be used to control the behavior of the unix2dos command.

  • file: This is the file that will be converted.

The unix2dos command has a number of options that can be used to control the conversion process. Some of the most commonly used unix2dos options are:

  • -n: This option specifies that the CR characters should not be converted to CRLF characters.

  • -b: This option specifies that the file should be converted in binary mode.

  • -f: This option specifies the file name of the converted file. If no file name is specified, the converted file will be created with the same name as the original file, but with the .dos extension.

For example, the following command will convert the file myfile.txt to DOS format and save it to the file myfile.dos:

unix2dos -f myfile.dos myfile.txt

The unix2dos command is a valuable tool for users who need to transfer files between Unix and DOS systems. It can also be used to view files in DOS format on a Unix system.


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