
The /etc/snort directory is a crucial part of a Snort installation, housing the configuration files, rules, and other necessary resources for running Snort effectively. Here's an overview of the important files and directories typically found in /etc/snort:

Overview of /etc/snort

  1. snort.conf:

    • Description: The main configuration file for Snort.

    • Purpose: Defines the global settings, paths to rules, preprocessors, output plugins, and other operational parameters for Snort.

    • Location: /etc/snort/snort.conf

    • Example:

      var HOME_NET
      var EXTERNAL_NET any
      include $RULE_PATH/local.rules
      include $RULE_PATH/community.rules
      include $RULE_PATH/snort.rules
  2. rules/:

    • Description: Directory containing the rule files used by Snort.

    • Purpose: Houses predefined rule sets and custom rules for detecting various types of network traffic anomalies and threats.

    • Location: /etc/snort/rules/

    • Common Files:

      • local.rules: Custom rules defined by the administrator.

      • snort.rules: Official Snort rules.

      • emerging.rules: Rules from Emerging Threats or other sources.

  3. classification.config:

    • Description: Defines how alerts are classified and prioritized.

    • Purpose: Maps alert signatures to human-readable descriptions and assigns priorities to different types of alerts.

    • Location: /etc/snort/classification.config

    • Example:

      config classification: attempted-admin,Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain,1
      config classification: attempted-user,Attempted User Privilege Gain,2
  4. reference.config:

    • Description: Maps Snort rule references to external security resources.

    • Purpose: Provides links to external documentation and resources related to specific alerts.

    • Location: /etc/snort/reference.config

    • Example:

      config reference: bugtraq https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/
      config reference: cve https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=
  5. sid-msg.map:

    • Description: Maps Snort rule IDs (SIDs) to alert messages and references.

    • Purpose: Ensures that alerts generated by Snort have meaningful messages and references.

    • Location: /etc/snort/sid-msg.map

    • Example:

      1000001 || ICMP PING NMAP || cve,CAN-1999-0524 || url,www.securityfocus.com/bid/277
  6. threshold.conf:

    • Description: Defines thresholding and suppression rules.

    • Purpose: Controls how frequently alerts are generated for specific rules to reduce noise and false positives.

    • Location: /etc/snort/threshold.conf

    • Example:

      threshold gen_id 1, sig_id 1000001, type threshold, track by_src, count 5, seconds 60
  7. snort_debian.conf (specific to Debian-based systems):

    • Description: Contains settings for running Snort as a service.

    • Purpose: Defines variables used by the Snort init script, such as the interface to listen on and additional command-line options.

    • Location: /etc/snort/snort_debian.conf

    • Example:

  8. preproc_rules/:

    • Description: Directory containing rules for preprocessors.

    • Purpose: Houses rules that are applied by Snort preprocessors to detect protocol-specific anomalies and other pre-processing tasks.

    • Location: /etc/snort/preproc_rules/

Example Directory Structure

├── classification.config
├── reference.config
├── sid-msg.map
├── snort.conf
├── snort_debian.conf
├── threshold.conf
├── rules/
│   ├── local.rules
│   ├── snort.rules
│   ├── emerging.rules
│   └── ...
├── preproc_rules/
│   ├── preprocessor.rules
│   └── ...

Best Practices

  1. Regular Updates: Regularly update Snort rules and configurations to stay protected against new threats.

  2. Custom Rules: Create and maintain custom rules in local.rules to address specific needs or threats unique to your environment.

  3. Rule Optimization: Review and optimize rules to reduce false positives and improve detection accuracy.

  4. Backup Configurations: Keep backups of your configuration files to quickly recover from misconfigurations or system failures.

  5. Secure Access: Ensure that the /etc/snort directory and its contents are securely accessible only to authorized users to prevent tampering.

By understanding and properly configuring the files within /etc/snort, administrators can effectively leverage Snort's capabilities to protect their networks from a wide range of threats.

Last updated