
The lib/modules/kernel-version/modules.dep file in Linux systems is a crucial component generated by the depmod command. Here’s a detailed explanation of its purpose and how it fits into the Linux ecosystem:

Purpose of modules.dep

  1. Dependency Tracking:

    • Kernel Modules: Linux kernel modules often depend on each other. For instance, a network driver module might depend on a core networking module.

    • File Contents: The modules.dep file lists these dependencies explicitly, ensuring that when a module is loaded, all its required dependencies are also loaded.

  2. Generated by depmod:

    • Dependency Generation: When you run depmod, it scans all installed kernel modules and creates or updates the modules.dep file.

    • Module Resolution: During module loading (modprobe or insmod), the kernel checks this file to resolve dependencies and loads modules in the correct order.

  3. Format:

    • Syntax: Each line in modules.dep specifies a module and its dependencies in the format:

      filename: dependency1 dependency2 ...
    • Example: For a hypothetical module my_module.ko depending on module_a.ko and module_b.ko, the entry might look like:

      my_module.ko: module_a.ko module_b.ko
  4. Related Files:

    • Modules.alias: Maps module aliases to their corresponding filenames.

    • Modules.symbols: Matches kernel symbols to their respective modules.

    • Modules.devname: Associates network device names with their kernel modules.

Usage and Management

  • Regular Updates: It’s essential to run depmod whenever new kernel modules are installed or existing ones are updated.

  • System Integration: The modules.dep file resides in the lib/modules/kernel-version/ directory, typically under /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ for the currently running kernel.

  • Module Loading: During system boot or when modules are loaded manually, the kernel uses modules.dep to ensure all necessary dependencies are satisfied.

Example Scenario

Suppose you've compiled a new kernel module my_module.ko and installed it on your Linux system. To update the modules.dep file and include dependencies for my_module.ko, you would run:


This command scans installed kernel modules, resolves dependencies, and updates modules.dep accordingly in the appropriate directory (/lib/modules/kernel-version/).


Understanding modules.dep and its role in managing kernel module dependencies is crucial for system administrators, developers, and anyone working with custom Linux kernels. By maintaining accurate dependency information, modules.dep ensures smooth operation of kernel modules, enhances system stability, and supports hardware compatibility on Linux systems. Regularly updating modules.dep using depmod is essential for maintaining a reliable and efficient Linux environment.

Last updated