

The devdump command in Linux is a crude utility to interactively display the contents of device or filesystem images. It is a spinoff from the original program distributed in the cdrtools package. However, the cdrtools developers are not involved in the development of this spinoff and therefore shall not be made responsible for any problem caused by it.

The devdump command is used in the following syntax:

devdump [options] image_file

The image_file is the path to the device or filesystem image that you want to view.

The options can be used to specify the following:

  • -s : Display the contents of the image in sectors.

  • -b : Display the contents of the image in bytes.

  • -c : Display the contents of the image in characters.

  • -f : Search for a specific pattern in the image.

  • -q : Quiet mode.

For example, the following code will display the contents of the image file image.iso in sectors:

devdump -s image.iso

This code will display the contents of the image file image.iso in sectors.

The devdump command is a simple and useful command that can be used to view the contents of device or filesystem images. It is a valuable command to know, especially if you need to troubleshoot problems with device or filesystem images.

Here are some additional things to note about the devdump command:

  • The devdump command can be used to view the contents of any device or filesystem image.

  • The devdump command is a simple and useful command.

  • The devdump command is not available on all Linux distributions.


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