

The set command in Unix-like operating systems is used to define and control shell variables and shell options. This command can be quite powerful and versatile, influencing various aspects of the shell's behavior.

Overview of set

Purpose: The set command is used to set or unset shell options and positional parameters, as well as to display shell variables. It is primarily used in shell scripting and interactive shell sessions to control the behavior of the shell and manage variables.

Basic Syntax

set [options] [arguments]
  • options: Flags that modify the shell's behavior.

  • arguments: Positional parameters to be set.

Common Uses and Examples

  1. Display Shell Variables:

    • Running set without any arguments will display all shell variables and their values.

  2. Setting Positional Parameters:

    • You can set positional parameters (e.g., $1, $2, etc.) using set:

      set -- arg1 arg2 arg3
      echo $1  # Output: arg1
      echo $2  # Output: arg2
      echo $3  # Output: arg3
  3. Unset Positional Parameters:

    • To unset all positional parameters:

      set --
  4. Shell Options:

    • Various shell options can be controlled using set with specific flags. Here are some commonly used options:

      • -e: Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.

        set -e
      • -x: Print commands and their arguments as they are executed (useful for debugging).

        set -x
      • -u: Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.

        set -u
      • -o: Enable or disable specific options (e.g., set -o nounset for -u).

        set -o nounset
      • +: Disable an option. For example, set +x turns off the -x option.

        set +x

Practical Examples

  1. Enable Debugging:

    • Using set -x to enable debugging:

      set -x
      echo "Debugging this script"
      set +x
      echo "Debugging off"
  2. Exit on Error:

    • Using set -e to exit the script if any command fails:

      set -e
      cp file1 /some/nonexistent/directory/
      echo "This will not be executed if cp fails"
  3. Unset Variables:

    • Using set -u to treat unset variables as an error:

      set -u
      echo $UNSET_VAR  # This will cause an error
  4. Combination of Options:

    • Combining multiple options for robust script execution:

      set -euxo pipefail
  5. Resetting Positional Parameters:

    • Resetting and setting new positional parameters:

      set -- "param1" "param2" "param3"
      echo $1  # Output: param1
      echo $2  # Output: param2
      echo $3  # Output: param3

Important Shell Options

  • pipefail: If set, the return value of a pipeline is the status of the last command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if no command exited with a non-zero status.

    set -o pipefail
  • noclobber: Prevents overwriting files with redirection.

    set -o noclobber
  • allexport: Automatically export all variables.

    set -o allexport


The set command is a powerful utility for controlling shell behavior and managing variables. It is particularly useful in scripting for handling errors, debugging, and managing script parameters. Understanding and effectively using set can significantly improve the robustness and maintainability of shell scripts.


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