

The mdu command in Linux is used to display the amount of disk space occupied by a directory, its subdirectories and files. It is similar to the du command on Unix.

The mdu command takes the following arguments:

  • directory: The directory to list the disk usage for.

  • options: Optional arguments that control the behavior of the mdu command.

The following are some of the most common options for the mdu command:

  • -h: Displays sizes in human-readable format.

  • -s: Displays total size, don't give details for each subdirectory.

  • -t: Sorts by total size.

For example, the following command lists the disk usage for the directory /home/user:

mdu /home/user

The mdu command is a useful tool for monitoring disk usage. It can be used to identify directories or files that are taking up a lot of space, or to track the growth of disk usage over time.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the mdu command:

  • The mdu command must be run as root or by a user who has permission to view disk usage.

  • The mdu command can only be used to list the disk usage for directories that are located on the local machine.

  • The mdu command cannot be used to list the disk usage for directories that are located on a remote machine.

It is important to be aware of these limitations when using the mdu command, so that you do not accidentally list the disk usage for a directory that you do not have permission to view or that is located on a remote machine.

Here are some examples of how to use the mdu command:

  • To list the disk usage for the directory /home/user in human-readable format:

mdu -h /home/user
  • To list only the total size of the directory /home/user and its subdirectories:

mdu -s /home/user
  • To sort the output of the mdu command by total size:

mdu -t /home/user

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.



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