

The agetty command is a daemon that is used to manage virtual terminals on Linux systems. It is responsible for reading input from the terminal and sending it to the appropriate process.

The agetty command can be configured using the /etc/default/agetty file. This file contains a list of options that can be used to configure the agetty daemon. Some of the most commonly used options in the /etc/default/agetty file are:


 agetty [options] <line> [<baud_rate>,...] [<termtype>]
 agetty [options] <baud_rate>,... <line> [<termtype>]

Open a terminal and set its mode.

 -8, --8bits                assume 8-bit tty
 -a, --autologin <user>     login the specified user automatically
 -c, --noreset              do not reset control mode
 -E, --remote               use -r <hostname> for login(1)
 -f, --issue-file <list>    display issue files or directories
     --show-issue           display issue file and exit
 -h, --flow-control         enable hardware flow control
 -H, --host <hostname>      specify login host
 -i, --noissue              do not display issue file
 -I, --init-string <string> set init string
 -J  --noclear              do not clear the screen before prompt
 -l, --login-program <file> specify login program
 -L, --local-line[=<mode>]  control the local line flag
 -m, --extract-baud         extract baud rate during connect
 -n, --skip-login           do not prompt for login
 -N  --nonewline            do not print a newline before issue
 -o, --login-options <opts> options that are passed to login
 -p, --login-pause          wait for any key before the login
 -r, --chroot <dir>         change root to the directory
 -R, --hangup               do virtually hangup on the tty
 -s, --keep-baud            try to keep baud rate after break
 -t, --timeout <number>     login process timeout
 -U, --detect-case          detect uppercase terminal
 -w, --wait-cr              wait carriage-return
     --nohints              do not print hints
     --nohostname           no hostname at all will be shown
     --long-hostname        show full qualified hostname
     --erase-chars <string> additional backspace chars
     --kill-chars <string>  additional kill chars
     --chdir <directory>    chdir before the login
     --delay <number>       sleep seconds before prompt
     --nice <number>        run login with this priority
     --reload               reload prompts on running agetty instances
     --list-speeds          display supported baud rates
     --help                 display this help
     --version              display version

For more details see agetty(8).

Last updated