
The dnssec-keygen command is used to generate DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) keys for signing zones in DNSSEC-enabled domains. Here's an overview of how dnssec-keygen works and its usage:

Purpose of dnssec-keygen:

DNSSEC keys are essential for securing DNS data by providing cryptographic signatures that can be verified to ensure the authenticity and integrity of DNS records. dnssec-keygen generates various types of keys required for DNSSEC:

  1. Key Signing Key (KSK): Used to sign other keys (Zone Signing Keys).

  2. Zone Signing Key (ZSK): Used to sign DNS resource records (RRs) within a zone.


dnssec-keygen [options] zone-name

Common Options:

  • -a algorithm: Specifies the cryptographic algorithm to use (default is rsasha256).

  • -b keysize: Specifies the key size in bits (default is algorithm-specific).

  • -n type: Specifies the key type (ksk for Key Signing Key or zsk for Zone Signing Key).

  • -f keyfile: Specifies the filename prefix for the generated keys.

  • -K directory: Specifies the directory where the keys will be stored.

  • -c class: Specifies the DNS class (default is IN for Internet).

Example Usage:

Generating a Key Signing Key (KSK):

dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -n KSK example.com

This command generates a Key Signing Key (Kexample.com.+008+12345) using the RSA-SHA256 algorithm (RSASHA256) with a key size of 2048 bits (-b 2048). The keys will be stored in the current directory by default.

Generating a Zone Signing Key (ZSK):

dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 1024 -n ZSK example.com

This command generates a Zone Signing Key (Kexample.com.+008+54321) using the RSA-SHA256 algorithm (RSASHA256) with a key size of 1024 bits (-b 1024).

Key Output:

After running dnssec-keygen, you will get two files for each key generated:

  • <keyname>.key: Contains the public key that can be published in DNS zone files.

  • <keyname>.private: Contains the private key used for signing DNS records.

Key Management:

  • Rolling Keys: Periodically generate new keys (KSK and ZSK) to improve security and rotate them in DNS zone configurations.

  • Secure Storage: Safeguard private keys (*.private) to prevent unauthorized access and use.

  • DNSSEC Zone Configuration: Update DNS zone configuration files (zone files) with new keys and signatures.

DNSSEC is critical for enhancing DNS security by providing data integrity and authenticity assurances. dnssec-keygen is a fundamental tool for generating the cryptographic keys necessary to implement DNSSEC and protect DNS data against various types of attacks.

Last updated