

The wall command is a Unix/Linux utility that stands for "write all" and is used to send a message to all users who are currently logged into a system. It is commonly used by system administrators to broadcast important messages or announcements to all users in real-time.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the wall command is:

wall [MESSAGE]
  • MESSAGE: The message you want to broadcast to all users. It can be provided as a string or read from standard input.

Example Usage

Sending a Message

To send a message to all users, simply run the wall command followed by the message you want to broadcast:

wall "System maintenance will begin in 10 minutes. Please save your work."

Reading Message from Standard Input

You can also provide the message through standard input by piping it into the wall command:

echo "Emergency server reboot required!" | wall


  • Permissions: The wall command requires appropriate permissions to send messages to other users. Typically, it is available to system administrators or users with elevated privileges.

  • Notification: Users who are logged in will receive the message as a notification on their terminal. Depending on the configuration of their system, this notification may be displayed immediately or when they next perform an action in the terminal.

Security Considerations

Since the wall command allows any user with appropriate permissions to broadcast messages to all users, it can potentially be abused for spam or disruptive purposes. Therefore, it's important to restrict access to the wall command to trusted users and monitor its usage.


The wall command is a useful tool for system administrators to broadcast important messages to all users on a Unix/Linux system. It provides a simple and effective means of communication in multi-user environments. However, proper usage and access control are important to prevent misuse and maintain system integrity.


wall [options] [message]

Broadcast a message to all users.


-h, --help           Show this help message.
-i, --include=GROUP   Only broadcast the message to users in the specified group.
-n, --no-newline     Do not add a newline character to the end of the message.
-t, --timeout=SECONDS   Display the message for the specified number of seconds.


    wall This is a test message
    wall -i sales This is a message for users in the `sales` group
    wall -n This is a message that will not be displayed in the user's terminal
    wall -t 5 This is a message that will be displayed for 5 seconds


-h, --help: This option shows this help message.
-i, --include=GROUP: This option tells wall to only broadcast the message to users in the specified group.
-n, --no-newline: This option tells wall not to add a newline character to the end of the message.
-t, --timeout=SECONDS: This option tells wall to display the message for the specified number of seconds.

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