

The chfn command in Linux is used to change the finger information for the current user. Finger information is a set of data that is displayed by the finger command. It typically includes the user's name, real name, office number, and other contact information.

The chfn command is used in the following syntax:

chfn [options]

The options can be used to specify the following:

  • -f : Change the full name.

  • -o : Change the office number.

  • -h : Change the home phone number.

  • -w : Change the work phone number.

  • -s : Change the shell.

For example, the following code will change the full name and office number for the current user:

chfn -f "John Doe" -o "123-456-7890"

This code will change the full name to "John Doe" and the office number to "123-456-7890".

The chfn command is a simple and useful command that can be used to change the finger information for the current user. It is a valuable command to know, especially if you need to update your contact information.

Here are some additional things to note about the chfn command:

  • The chfn command can be used to change the finger information for any user.

  • The chfn command requires root privileges to change the finger information for other users.

  • The chfn command is available on all Linux distributions.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Usage: chfn [options] [LOGIN]

  -f, --full-name FULL_NAME     change user's full name
  -h, --home-phone HOME_PHONE   change user's home phone number
  -o, --other OTHER_INFO        change user's other GECOS information
  -r, --room ROOM_NUMBER        change user's room number
  -R, --root CHROOT_DIR         directory to chroot into
  -u, --help                    display this help message and exit
  -w, --work-phone WORK_PHONE   change user's office phone number
      --extrausers              Use the extra users database

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