
The ipa-adtrust-install command is used in FreeIPA to configure the FreeIPA server to work with Active Directory (AD) domains by enabling the Cross-Realm Trust feature. This tool installs the necessary components and sets up the required configurations so that FreeIPA can establish a trust relationship with an Active Directory domain. This allows Active Directory users to authenticate to FreeIPA resources and vice versa.

Key Features of ipa-adtrust-install:

  • Configures Samba Services: Installs and configures the Samba services required for cross-realm trusts with Active Directory.

  • Enables Trust with Active Directory: Prepares the FreeIPA server to create trust relationships with AD domains.

  • Sets up ID Ranges: Helps define ID ranges for users and groups from Active Directory.

  • Creates Services: Registers necessary Kerberos principals for the trust relationship.

  • Optional DNS Management: Can manage DNS zones if needed for the trust setup.

When to Use ipa-adtrust-install:

  • When you want FreeIPA and Active Directory to establish a trust relationship.

  • When you need users from AD domains to authenticate to FreeIPA and access resources managed by FreeIPA.

  • When you need to configure user/group mapping between FreeIPA and Active Directory.

Basic Syntax:

ipa-adtrust-install [OPTIONS]

Common Options:

  • --add-sids: Generates Security Identifiers (SIDs) for users and groups in FreeIPA.

  • --netbios-name=<name>: Specify the NetBIOS name of the FreeIPA domain. If not provided, the default NetBIOS name is derived from the FreeIPA realm.

  • --netbios-domain-name=<name>: Specify the NetBIOS domain name. Defaults to the first component of the FreeIPA realm name.

  • --no-msdcs: Disables the automatic creation of the _msdcs DNS zone, which is used for locating domain controllers in AD.

  • --no-ntp: Skip NTP configuration.

  • --setup-dns: Configures FreeIPA DNS to manage the DNS zones necessary for the AD trust relationship.

  • --no-ui-redirect: Disables the user interface redirection to the Active Directory domain.

  • --enable-compat: Enables the compatibility plugin for legacy clients, allowing older clients to resolve user and group names.

  • --no-sssd: Disables the configuration of the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD), though this is generally required for trust relationships.

  • --force-ntpd: Forces the configuration of NTP to ensure time synchronization between FreeIPA and AD.

Example: Basic Installation with Trust Setup

To install the required components for establishing a trust relationship between FreeIPA and Active Directory, run:


This command will prompt you to provide necessary information, such as DNS configuration and the desired ID range for the Active Directory users.

Example: Installation with a Custom NetBIOS Name

If you need to specify a custom NetBIOS name for the FreeIPA domain, use the --netbios-name option:

ipa-adtrust-install --netbios-name=MYNETBIOS

Example: Installing with DNS Setup

If you want FreeIPA to manage DNS zones for the trust relationship with AD, use:

ipa-adtrust-install --setup-dns

This will configure the necessary DNS zones for trust discovery between FreeIPA and AD.

Example: Enabling Compatibility Mode

For legacy client compatibility, run the following with the --enable-compat option:

ipa-adtrust-install --enable-compat

This enables the plugin that allows legacy clients to query and resolve user and group information from FreeIPA.


After ipa-adtrust-install completes, you can create a trust with an Active Directory domain using the ipa trust-add command, which enables the actual trust relationship.

For example:

ipa trust-add --type=ad ad.example.com --admin administrator --password

This command establishes a trust relationship between FreeIPA and ad.example.com, allowing AD users to authenticate and access FreeIPA resources.


  • Time synchronization is critical when establishing trusts between FreeIPA and AD. Ensure that NTP is correctly configured on both sides.

  • Ensure that DNS resolution is working correctly, especially if you're setting up trust relationships without the --setup-dns option.

  • If you encounter issues, check the Samba logs (/var/log/samba/) and Kerberos logs (/var/log/krb5kdc.log).


ipa-adtrust-install is essential for enabling trust relationships between FreeIPA and Active Directory. It sets up the necessary components (Samba, DNS, Kerberos) and prepares FreeIPA to handle cross-realm authentication. After installation, you can configure trust relationships to allow seamless authentication between users from both environments.

Last updated